Olivet has seven general learning class groups: Click on the tabs below the Overview to
The Australian Curriculum is incorporated to cover the eight key learning areas. All curriculum at Olivet Christian College is taught through a Biblical Worldview.
Eight Key Learning Areas
Our professional and committed staff provide many extra-curricular activities and opportunities for the well being of our students, some only possible because of the willingness of staff to give up their own time. Our Extra-curricular Activities include:
Buddy Program
Across the whole school with Secondary students supporting Primary students.
Chapel Chapel is held every Tuesday in individual classes. Teachers across the school are rostered to take a 15 - 20 minutes session on a specified character trait (eg Fearless, Committed, Purposeful, Confident, Compassionate, Truthful) based on a scripture.
Camping Program
Year 3 - 4 attend a bi-annual trip within Victoria alternately Melbourne then regional camp.
Year 5 - 6 attend a bi-annual trip to Canberra
Year 7 - 10 students attend the annual four day Outdoor Ed Camp.
Year 9 - 10 students participate in the Work Experience program.
Year 9 - 10 students attend a Melbourne Experience Careers and Culture Camp.
Music Program
Swimming Program
Primary students participate in an intensive swimming program in Term 1 and if possible also in Term 4 each year.
Circus/Parkour Program
Foundation - Grade 2 students participate in a Circus/Parkour program during Term 2 and 3.
End of Term Excursions
To support educational learning in locations throughout the state as well as some that are just simple fun activities.
© 2019 Olivet Christian College